The adenoids are lymphoid tissues that are similar to the tonsils but sit in the back of the nose.
The following are indications for an Adenoidectomy:
- Blocked nose.
- Snoring and sleep apnoea (especially children).
- Runny nose.
- Sinusitis (especially children).
- Recurrent middle ear infections (especially after 1 set of grommets).
Note: there are many causes for the above conditions. Not all of them will respond to an adenoidectomy. Dr Levin will be able to discuss whether your child is a good candidate for an adenoidectomy.
Before the Surgery
Reading Materials
Please read this page and the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons’ information sheet (“Surgical removal of the tonsils and adenoids”) so you understand the procedure, the benefits and risks associated with this procedure and the expected outcomes of surgery. The information sheet will be given to you when booking the operation.
As your child will be fasting prior to surgery, please make sure he / she drinks plenty of fluids and has a good meal before the fast begins.
Accompanying Children into the Operating Room
One parent is permitted to accompany their child into the operating theatre until he / she is asleep. It is important to remain calm and positive since children can be affected by their parents’ energy.
You will then be escorted out of the theatre to a waiting area while I perform the operation and you will be contacted by phone once your child is fully awake in the recovery room.
After the Surgery
Recovery Room
If this process seems like it is taking longer than you expected, please do not worry – the experienced recovery nurses will often let your child doze and “sleep off” the anaesthetic until he / she is ready to wake up.
Although adenoidectomy is not usually a painful procedure, young children may still cry when they wake up as they can be disorientated, and this is a new experience for them in an unfamiliar environment.
Drip (intravenous cannula)
Your child will wake up with a drip in one hand. The needle of the drip has been removed and what is left is simply a plastic tube to deliver further fluids or medications through this route – your child can still move and use that hand gently.
It will be removed by nursing staff before your child is discharged from the hospital.
There are no specific dietary restrictions following this surgery. Once the anaesthetic has worn off, your child can have their favourite foods and drinks, as tolerated.
Pain Relief
An adenoidectomy is not usually a painful procedure. Panadol or Nurofen can be given as needed.
Expected Recovery
The recovery from an adenoidectomy is usually very good and patients go home the same day. Your child can resume school once the anaesthetic has worn off – a minimum of 24 hours is recommended.
Your child should take 2 weeks off sport as there is a very small risk of bleeding following an adenoidectomy. Avoid nose blowing for 2 weeks after an adenoidectomy.
Bad breath is very common after an adenoidectomy – this improves after about 2 weeks.
Don’t worry if your child is still snoring immediately after the procedure – it may take a couple of weeks for the swelling in the back of the nose to subside before snoring improves.
Please do not make any travel plans during the first 3 weeks after adenoidectomy.
Follow Up
I will inform you when you need to see me following the procedure – please contact my rooms to schedule this appointment.
Related Information
Blocked nose
Snoring and sleep apnoea
Runny nose
Ear infections